RAM Public Data
From Computational Memory Lab
Data from 251 subjects collected during Phase I and Phase II of the RAM project are available for download. The following data are included:
- Electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings
- Demographic information (age, gender, race/ethnicity, handedness)
- Individual electrode contact atlas location and coordinates for localization
- Freesurfer files: cortical surface rendering
- Seizure onset zone, interictal spiking, and bad lead information
- Experiment design documents
- Session notes, behavioral event data, and iEEG recording data (split by channel) for the following RAM experiments:
- FR1/2: Verbal Free Recall
- CatFR1/2: Categorized Verbal Free Recall
- PAL1/2: Verbal Paired Associates Learning
- YC1/2: Yellow Cab Spatial Navigation
- TH1: Treasure Hunt Spatial Navigation
NOTE: Informed consent has been obtained from each subject to share their data, and personally identifiable information has been removed to protect subject confidentiality.